Other “audiophile” Ethernet switches typically apply clock and power supply modifications to cheap off-the-shelf switches, or simply add passive filter parts to standard magnetics and augment with a separate fancy clock board. EtherREGEN is an all-new from the ground-up design, built on a costly 6-layer circuit board. Its components and topology are unmatched by any other Ethernet switch.
The heart of what makes our switch so unique is use of ACTIVE, HIGH-SPEED, LOW-JITTER DIFFERENTIAL DIGITAL ISOLATOR chips in conjunction with ULTRA-LOW JITTER DIFFERENTIAL RE-CLOCKING FLIP-FLOPS. No other Ethernet switch on the market does this. Implementing this architecture correctly is difficult and costly!
Going from port-to-port on the ‘A’ side of EtherREGEN is already better than most any other switch, but crossing our Active Differential Isolation Moat (“ADIM™”)—to its ‘B’ side—brings an unmatched level of Ethernet performance for audio. On the circuit board photos you can see the EtherREGEN’s “moat,” across which sit the differential digital isolators.
The design methods and innovative ADIM™ of the EtherREGEN results in dual, isolated clock/data/power domains, blockage of all external leakage currents, a significant reduction in upstream phase-noise fingerprint, and maximal signal integrity.

More Info: Link to Manufacturer Website